Relationship & Communication Coaching

Helping individuals and relationships to flourish through self-awareness and positive communication. 
Welcome to Coequal Coaching, where relationship and communication coaching empower you to build stronger, more fulfilling relationships. Many people underestimate the profound impact of relationship coaching, yet it has the potential to enhance your personal connections and bring lasting change. Whether you’re working through communication challenges or seeking a deeper emotional bond, relationship coaching offers a transformative, reflective space tailored to your needs.

Why Relationship Coaching?

Healthy relationships thrive on open communication and genuine understanding. At Coequal Coaching, I guide you through the process of uncovering your relational strengths and developing strategies to overcome obstacles. Misunderstandings and conflicts may strain even the strongest bonds, but with professional support, you can reignite the connection, improve communication, and rediscover the joy in your relationships.

Your Path to Meaningful Change

Relationship coaching can be the key to unlocking a happier, healthier relationship. My approach is fully customised to suit your unique circumstances, allowing us to work together to create a more connected, fulfilling partnership. Here, you’ll find a supportive environment where you can openly address challenges, gain insights, and develop lasting solutions to nurture your relationship.

Our conversations, intentions, and actions shape our romantic relationships

Coequal coaching provides a reflective non-judgemental space for exploration of your individual and relationship aspirations. 
Contact Me For A Free Initial Conversation About How Coaching Can Benefit Your Unique Circumstances
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Relationship Coaching

Who Can Benefit From Communication & Relationship Coaching?

Do these situations feel familiar to you?
Do you find yourselves talking less, leaving important things unsaid or feeling unheard?
When you argue, does it often turn into a blame game instead of resolving issues?
Miss the affectionate moments you used to share, such as hugs and compliments?
Have you avoided expressing your wants and needs due to fear of conflict or discomfort in asking for them to be fulfilled?
Are you having less frequent sexually and emotionally intimate moments? Which is causing you to feel distressed?
Have you put your dreams and interests aside and now wonder what happened to the hobbies and goals you once shared?
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I love a good metaphor in my coaching. Here is one to describe how I explain the coaching relationship with my clients.

Two Mountians

Many clients come to coaching thinking that coaches are some enlightened being, that we have resolved our issues and have it all together. I am sorry to say that is not how it is. I am in recovery from panic disorder, and although my episodes are less frequent, they still occur from time to time. I like to think of our sessions as climbing mountains. You are climbing your mountain over there, and I am climbing mine right here. From where I am on my mountain, I can see things on your mountain that you cannot see – like if an avalanche is about to happen, or if there is an alternative pathway, or that you may not be using your pickaxe effectively. I would hate for you to think I have reached the top of my mountain and am lying back, taking it easy. The fact is, I am still climbing, just as you are, still making mistakes and learning from them. We are all climbing a mountain until the day we are no longer here on earth. Nevertheless, here is the thing, climbing is a skill! We can get better and better at climbing and better and better at learning to appreciate the journey. That is what the work we do here is all about.


My services:

Individual Coaching

Positive psychology coaching can enhance your self-esteem, self-acceptance, and communication skills, leading to healthier and more loving relationships with both yourself and others. This holistic approach focussing on well-being can empower you to build stronger and more fulfilling connections.

Relationship Coaching

Relationship coaching is a tailored, collaborative process offering
 individuals and people in relationships a reflective space to work on strengthening their relationships. Whether you're facing communication issues, struggling with intimacy, or seeking to navigate relationship challenges, a relationship coach can help.
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  • I cannot recommend Anabel highly enough. She has a coaching style full of warmth, compassion and care,  feeling like a warm embrace of connection and understanding. Anabel has a natural and intuitive way of making you feel heard and understood.  She shines a light on what needs attention and has been able to transform confusion into clarity and chaos into order.

    Dr Lindsay Foreman

  • Anabel is a fantastic coach with a brilliant approach. I went with many objectives swimming around my head and left with much more clarity and focus. I've had a lot of coaches over the years, and it didn't take me long to see that I was in very good hands.

    Maya Gudka

  • Anabel was an awesome coach. She had a wonderful blend of compassion, playfulness, and intuition. A lot moved in my life because of our coaching sessions. The best thing I did in 2022. I would recommend her in a heartbeat.

    Dr Patrick Burke

Blog Posts

My Ponderings Exploring Relationships, Effective Communication, and Holistic Well-being
January 22, 2025
This is Your Life, Are You Who You Want to Be?

A few months ago, I found myself at a Switchfoot gig in Birmingham, utterly captivated by the lyrics of Jon Foreman. As he sang, “This is your life, are you who you want to be?” I was struck by the simplicity and profundity of the question. In that moment, the music faded into the background […]

December 31, 2024
How Can Communication in Relationships Improve Satisfaction?

Communication in relationships can make or break the connection between partners. From feeling heard to addressing conflicts, the way we communicate directly impacts our satisfaction. But why is communication so important, and how can we make it work better for us? Let’s explore the research and practical tips for enhancing communication in relationships. Why Communication […]

December 2, 2024
More Than Just Two: Rethinking Couples Therapy for Modern Love

When you hear the words couples therapy, you might picture two people sitting across from a therapist, diving into their latest conflict, hoping to find common ground. But what happens when your love life doesn’t come in a neat, two-person package? What if your relationship includes more than just two hearts in the mix—or none […]

November 2, 2024
Sexual Communication and Challenging Traditional Sexual Scripts

Talking about sex can often feel like one of the most vulnerable aspects of any relationship. But beneath the discomfort of discussing desires and boundaries lies something much larger: the deep-seated influence of traditional sexual scripts. These cultural and societal narratives shape how we view ourselves and our partners, and they can perpetuate patterns that […]


At Coequal Coaching, we don’t just resolve conflicts; we build resilience and emotional well-being within your relationships. Begin your journey towards meaningful, lasting connections today, and let’s create a path towards the relationship you’ve always envisioned.

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